Friday, 30 June 2017

Te Reo Māori Words For Clothing/Kākahu

In He Kakano we have been learning how to say the words for clothing/Kākahu in Teo Reo Maori. Watch my slideshow and video below so that you can learn too.

Traditional Māori Clothing/Kākahu

On Friday mornings I am in the He Kākano class which is a senior Te Reo Māori extension class. We learn about Māori language and culture. This term we have been learning about traditional Māori clothing and we had a go at creating our own garments. Here is our work. Please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Our challenge is to:

  • Create a matching sail for your yacht.
  • Explain how you would work out how much material would be required to make both sails.

1. I measured the length of the triangle on the right and left sides. The measurement for the right side was 20.6cm and the left side was 23.5cm. Also the width is 11.7cm.

2. After that I made another sail with those measurements.

3. I then joined the two sails together to make a rectangle.

4. I then measured the width and length on that. The length was 20.6 and the width was 11.7cm.

5.I timesed those together to get 245.14cm². That is how much material I need.

6. Finally I stuck my other triangle onto the piece of paper like this:
 Jun 21, 2017 11:40:28 AM.jpg