Mansion Mystery
Sydney woke up alarmingly in the cold and dark to high pitched screaming in the old haunted mansion. Her ears kept echoing the horrible high pitched screaming that she heard. Sydney felt a shiver up her spine as she got out of bed. Her numbed toes caused her to flinch when they brushed the cold wooden floors. She was freezing cold and petrified at what she had just heard.
Sydney quickly shuffled along the corridor and turned into Jacob's room. She violently shook Jacob awake. Jacob jumped in his bed with a face of absolute terror. Jacob awkwardly twisted onto the floor. “Did you hear it?,” Sydney asked trembling fearfully.
“Hear what?,” He asked feeling confused. He stood up with a face confused on what had just happened. “Follow me,” mumbled Sydney. They walked out of Jacob's room unsure of what was going to happen next. They slowly tiptoed towards the kitchen. There was writing there that said “It will be you next,” in a creepy running red substance. Sydney and Jacob’s hearts were beating fast. They both screamed at the sight that they saw. Another shiver ran up Sydney’s spine. She stood still, flabbergasted and shocked by what lay in front of her….
It all started the same day as Sydney’s mum came and yelled “Wake up, Wake up.” Sydney moaned and didn’t move out out of bed. “Hurry up Sydney,” growled Mum.
Do I have too?,” complained Sydney.
“Yes you do,” her mum snapped sternly. Sydney stumbled out of bed onto the cold wooden floor. Sydney just realized that it was Monday and she had school! Which started at 9:00! It was 8:00 in the morning! Was she going to be ready in time? She rushed over to her closet and picked out her school uniform. She quickly got dressed. She looked out of the window and saw it snowing outside. She then rushed over to the closet again twirling her hair as she picked her jacket. Sydney ran over to the mirror and started on her makeup, which took half an hour. She shrieked as she saw the time. It was now 8:35. She needed to be in the car in 20 minutes.
She loudly ran down the corridor her feet thumping a rhythmic beat on the hardwood floors. She ran into the kitchen where she meet her parents. “Morning!”Dad asked with joy.
“Gggrrrrr,” moaned Sydney.
“What's wrong with you?,” asked dad.
“She's tired and grumpy,” added Mum.
“Tired because she was on her phone all night?,” Mum barked angrily.
“How did you find out?,” sputtered Sydney knowing she's getting into trouble.
“Didn’t you just tell me then,”laughed Mum.
“Pass the phone,” Mum demanded. Her mum Maria, is always so bossy and organised. On the other hand Gabriel her dad, is lazy unorganized and just follows along with Maria.
Once Sydney had finished her breakfast, Jacob was only just coming back down. “Hurry up, eat your toast,” Mum replied briskly.
“Mum take a chill pill,” joked Jacob playing with his silky blonde hair, rubbing gel into his usual mohawk style. She knew they were going to be late again!
It was interval everybody grabbed their snacks and walked outside. Sydney walked over to Sophia and joined their group. Everybody went silent.
Sophia said “Oh, hi.” The rest of the group laughed.
“Hey,” said Sydney.
“What are you here for?,” asked Sophia.
“I don’t know, just wondering what you guys are up to?,” gulped Sydney.
Sydney started to turn away but as she turned away she noticed Sophia’s Pounamu. Sydney stared at the necklace, she wished she had it. Sophia saw Sydney staring “What are you looking at?” asked Sophia sounding confused.
“Your necklace,” replied Sydney bluntly.
Sophia snapped back “It’s called a Manaia.” Sydney finally walked off and she heard them all talking and laughing. She miserably dragged herself back to class, her shoes scraping the concrete as she stepped.
“Goooood Afternooooooon Missssss Taaaaaylooooor,” chorused the class in sync. It's 3:00 Sydney screamed in her bored head. She ran out the door nearly bowling out the little kids. “Geez slow down,” Yelled the Miss Taylor. Sydney was too excited to care.
Sydney arrived home and realized that there was nothing exciting happening. She slumped on the couch finishing the season off of Shortland Street. “Can you take the dog for a walk,” shouted Mum. The dog came and gave her a wet lick in her face.
“Ewww, yuck,” she yelled. “Fine, only if we get to go to the theme park tomorrow,” yelled Sydney.
“I suppose so,” yelled her mum back. Sydney walked out the door with her casual clothes on with a frown on her face on the other hand the dog was on two legs, choking herself with the lead. Sydney started to run of with the dog but she couldn’t stop. The dog ran across streets, crashed into people. Sydney ran and BANG she was in the smelly brown mud. Sydney picked herself up with her bright blonde hair shining in the sun and her big blue eyes turning red with absolute anger and her clothes bright pink expensive activewear covered in smelly brown mud. Sydney squealed and ran back to the house with the dog behind her panting. Sydney opened the door and slammed it behind, locking the dog outside. “What happened?,” asked Mum.
“The dog got he stuck in this smelly disgusting mud,” she yelled with absolutely anger.
“Well take a shower and finish your homework,” blurted Mum.
“Tea is ready,” screamed Maria. They sat at the table and started eating their food. Sydney just sat there blankly staring at her food. “Why aren’t you eating, Possum,” asked Mum.
“I’m not hungry!,” snapped Sydney.
“Well off to bed then,” demanded Maria. Sydney slowly stepped up the stairs and into her clean bedroom. As she was going to shut the curtains she saw Sophia staring into her window with a blank look on her face. She quickly shut the curtains and locked her bedroom door and hopped into bed. She kept on picturing Sophia in her mind staring at her. She eventually drifted off to sleep.
Sydney woke up alarmingly in the cold and dark to high pitched screaming in the old haunted mansion. Her ears kept echoing the horrible high pitched screaming that she heard. Sydney and Cassie felt a shiver up her spine as they got out of bed. They were freezing cold and petrified of what she had just heard.
They walked along the corridor and went into Jacob's room. She violently shook Jacob awake. Jacob jumped in his bed and awkwardly twisted onto the floor. He stood up and they both walked out of Jacobs's bedroom and into the corridor. They slowly walked towards the kitchen. There was writing there that said “It will be you next,” in a creepy running red substance.
“It’s blood!” Sydney exclaimed disgusted. Sydney and Jacob’s hearts were beating fast. They both screamed. Another shiver ran up Sydney’s spine. She stood still, flabbergasted and shocked by what she saw. “MUM AND DAD ARE LYING ON THE GROUND” Sydney shouted as her voice went high pitched like a mouse. There mum and dad laid slumped against the wall, blood dripping from their open mouths. Eyes wide open looking shocked. Sydney knelt down next to them crying, her throat tightening up from all the crying she had done.
They walked past the scene slowly and Jacob spotted a photo. He bent down to grab the photo. “This isn’t us!” exclaimed Jacob.
“Where did this come from?” he gulped.
“I don’t know, but what the hell are we going to do,” Sydney cried.
“I don’t know,”Jacob screamed back.
“Well do we ring up the police” questioned Sydney.
“No, because they will ask us lots of questions and we will have to go into foster care” replied Jacob.
“Oh, yeah thats not do that” shuddered Sydney.
They locked themselves in Sydneys room and laid on her bed. They looked and looked at those photos trying to find connections to who it was. “Who do you know that has a scar on her leg shaped like a thunderbolt” asked Jacob.
“I don’t know anybody,” hissed Sydney. “Can’t we just lay down and watch movies instead of thinking about what happened,” she murmured. Sydney cried and cried and cried a little more. She checked the time it was just after midnight and the house was in complete silence. Sydney shut her tired dry eyes and drifted off to sleep. She kept on waking up and seeing and hearing flashbacks in her head of what just happened. Sydney cried herself to sleep crying about her parents.
They were still awake at the sunrise beaming through the cream coloured curtains.
“How did you sleep?,” asked Jacob.
“Not very well,” snapped Sydney.
“Well It's just me and you,” shivered Jacob.
“Yeah,” said Sydney miserably.
“Yeah,” said Sydney miserably.
“Its Monday we have school,” “What are we going to do,” yelled Jacob.
“Just skip it,” she yelled back.
“But you know what the teachers are like,” “They will ring up,” said Jacob.
“Well we just won’t answer the phone then,” suggested Sydney.
“There's no food in the house,” mentioned Jacob.
“We know where the money stash is,” “Just go to the supermarket,” yelled Sydney.
They walked to the supermarket and walked in. Everybody's mouth dropped they looked at Jacob and Sydney. Sydneys bright blonde hair was shining in the light. With her bright pink dress and her short sleeved fur coat. With bright pink high heels. Jacob was just standing there in his blue shorts and his bright red shirt. Immaculate white running shoes and his hair in his usual mohawk style. They walked through to the lollie section and chucked 5 packets of chips and 3 packets of lollies, 2 cokes, 2 packets of donuts and 3 packets of biscuits and walked to the checkout. The server dropped his mouth, his eyes still with shock as they put it all onto the conveyer belt. Eventually it was all packed and they walked out of the supermarket.
As they walked back it was night time by now. They heard owls hooting and kept hearing creepy noises like bangs and smashes. They arrived back and noticed there was a smash in the window.
They decided to ring a detective called James Brown.
“Hello” he muttered.
“Hi, there has just been a window that had been broken into and last night there was a murder,” gulped Sydney.
“What's your address,” he asked.
“ 21 Maddison Place,” murmured Sydney. James arrived and looked at the photo he saw the family and put it down again and left.
“Well he wasn’t helpful,” boomed Jacob.
“Didn’t you just see what he had on his leg?,” she questioned.
“No,” he questioned.
“He had a scar shaped like a thunderbolt that was in the picture,” assured Sydney.
“So,” asked Jacob.
“So he must be the dad of that family,” she yelled.
“We should look at the picture again,” suggested Sydney.
“Well that girl has a necklace on,” mentioned Jacob.
“Its Sophia, she has a necklace shaped like that,” she yelled.
“Well they must come again tonight, thats stay up and hide near the front door,” suggested Jacob.“You can also put a camera up,” added Jacob. They put a camera up and hid in the room next to the front door they had snacks and a movie and watched movies til they came.
Right at 10:00, bang the door was open and it was Sophia and James creeping in both with knives in their hand. Sophia ran up stairs and James stood there.
“Who was that” James yelled. He creeped towards where they were.
“Go hide Sophia, go to the little hut underneath the house”demanded Jacob.
“Really, no I don’t need to” cried Sophia.
“Go!” he replied.
Sydney paused as she said“I love you.” She cried , tears falling down her cheeks as she walked away. Sophia went through the hidden door that took her to the place underneath the house.
She heard the scream from Jacob and then the bang on the door when they left. She let out a massive cry and ran up the stairs and saw Jacob lying there dead on the ground. She started bawling and cried and cried she bent down and cried down next to Jacob. She decided to ring James brother Alex “Hello, your brother has just murdered my brother” said Sydney.
“Oh, sorry he is a bit crazy, I am coming right now to look at the clues, whats your adress” said Alex
“21 Maddison place” she said.
Alex arrived at the house and saw her parents and her brother lying dead on the ground.
“Oh I am sorry for your lose” Alex sniffed.
“It's alright” assured Sydney.
“I will stay here and studied the clues get some police around and see if they come back,” said Alex.
“Thank you” said Sydney.
The police arrived and asked her lots of questions.
“What is your name” asked the Police officer.
“Sydney Foster” she replied.
“What happened” he asked.
“Well me and my brother Jacob woke up one night and saw our parents lying dead on the ground and today my brother sacrificed his life for me” said Sydney.
“Okay, so you and your brother were by yourselves for a night” He replied.
“Yes, we didn’t want to ring you because we don’t want to go into foster care” Sydney cried.
The police were all spread across the house looking for clues. They all hid in the house and right bang on 10:00 they yanked the door open and they were in. The police saw them and they turned out the house and back out the gate. The police chased them down the street and got them down on the ground. They were under arrest and the police pushed them in the car. Sydney walked into the house and thanked Alex.
The police walked up to her and tried to pull her away. Sydney didn’t know what was happening.
“Don’t worry I will take her with me” said Alex.
“What just happened” asked Sydney.
“You were going to go into foster care, but I will take you home” Alex replied.
“Thank you” Sydney cried.
2 weeks later they had the funeral for Sydneys parents and her brother. Sophia and Jacob went to court and were charged with 15 years of Jail. Sydney went and lived with Alex and his family and had the time of her life.
The End
By Caitlyn