Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Week One- Day 1- Activity 2

Week one- Day One
Activity 2- Setting Sail
For this activity I had to write a short letter to a friend, explaning a voyage
to New Zealand. We had to write how we felt and what it was like.

Dear Aleece,
This voyage that I have just been on is breathtaking. The wai is so beautiful with
clear bright glimmering Kikorangi wai. It is so different from we are and is quite a
bit makariri here. We have arrived on land it feels amazing just to relax for a bit
because it has been quite tiring on the waka.

On the other hand this voyage has been a bit nerve- racking at the same time.
I was so nervous to have to been on the wai for such a long period of time and
having to travel and live in a new country. It was also been very tiring and makariri
on the wai for all of this time.

This voyage has been such a wonderful experience and I wish you were her with
me to see how wonderful and beautiful it is.

Yours Sincerely



  1. Kia ora Caitlyn,

    Super work on this activity! You use of Te Reo Maori words like wai, kikorangi and makariri sound great in this letter! I also like how you have remembered to use the structure of a letter - greeting Aleece, describing your voyage and then signing off with your name. It’s great to see you have begun using paragraphs to organise your ideas. Well done remembering that each paragraph has only one main idea.

    I definitely agree that it would have been a beautiful, yet nerve wracking experience. New Zealand is a beautiful country. We are lucky to have a clean, green country, but I’m sure travelling across the ocean for months would have been scary at times.

    I hope you’ve been having a great holiday! How’s it been and what have you beein doing?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Noho ora mai,

    Emiely :)

    1. Hi Emiely,
      Thankyou for commenting back on my blog. My holidays have been quite relaxing except for last week when someone rear ended me and mum in the Lyttelton tunnel near christchurch. It gave me such a big fright. What have you been doing for the holidays?

    2. Kia ora Caitlyn,

      No problem! Thanks for your reply. :)

      Oh my goodness!!! What a scary experience! I've been rear ended three times before so I know the feeling. It certainly does give you a big fright! Are you and Mum alright? How is the damage to the car?

      Thanks for the question! :)

      I've mainly been working at the Summer Learning Journey, but on the weekends I've been going on little adventures with my friends. Last weekend I went to Whangamata and the weekend before that I went to Tauranga. In Tauranga we went to this really awesome water park called Waimarino. They had water trampolines, rock climbing, rope swings, kayaks, paddle boards and more! I'll send you a funny video of me on this thing at Waimarino called 'The Blob' (I'm the one flying in the air and my friends are the ones laughing).

      Video of Emiely on The Blob:

      Noho ora mai,

      Emiely :)

  2. Tena koe Caitlyn,

    My name is Megan and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey team commenting on your post over the summer holidays.

    Wow, what a beautiful letter you have created for your hoa, Aleece. I really love how you have adopted the idea of imagining you are on the waka travelling to a new country. The way you have thought about how you might be feeling and the colour of the water is amazing. I think I would be very nervous to be travelling to a new country as well. What do you think life would be like in Aotearoa when the first settlers arrived in the 1800's?

    Keep up the amazing mahi Caitly, I am looking forward to reading your response.

    Whai i te ra ataahua Cailtyn,
    have a beautiful day Caitlyn,

    Megan :)

    1. Hi Megan,
      Thankyou for commenting on my blog. I think that it would be very boring and nerveracking. It would be boring because there wouldn't be many things to do and there won't really be buildings. It would also be nerve racking because they had just arrived in a completely new place.

      From Caitlyn:)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.