Sunday 20 May 2018

International Space Station (ISS)

What is the abbreviation for the International Space Station? The abbreviation for the
International Space Station is ISS.

The International Space Station orbits the Earth how many times in a day?  The
International Space Station orbits the earth 16 times a day.

How high above the Earth is the International Space Station’s orbit? It travels
320 kilometers above us when it orbits the earth.

Many countries have worked together to build the International Space Station?
How number of countries does the article state? 16 countries have worked together to
build the International Space Station.

Why is the International Space Station one of the brightest objects in the night sky? The
large solar panels make it the brightest object in the sky.

What direction does the International Space Station move in? The International
Space Station rises from the western and travels towards the east where it sets.

What is the main purpose behind the Columbus lab on the International Space Station?
The main purpose behind the International Space Station is so that the astronauts can
carry out scientific experiments in weightless conditions.

How did ‘Columbus’ get to the International Space Station? Columbus got delivered to
the International Space Station by Shuttle Atlantis.

The International Space Station is the biggest object ever flown in space. Its large solar
panels make it one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Europe’s biggest ISS project
is the Columbus science laboratory, where astronauts can carry out scientific experiments
in weightless conditions. The Columbus lab is ESA's main contribution to the ISS. Many of
the European experiments take place inside ESA’s Columbus laboratory.

400 km above our heads, travelling at 7.7 km per second, is the largest object ever put in
orbit. Columbus was delivered to the ISS by Shuttle Atlantis and attached to the
Harmony module on 11 February 2008.

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